Monday, April 21, 2014


Bishop Daniel's Paschal Letter

My dear Friends:  Christ is risen!  Alleluia!

During this Holy Season of Easter, we pray for peace within ourselves and with those we love, but also we pray for harmony among all people and nations. We who call ourselves Christians are called by Jesus to be peacemakers: our love must be unconditional, our actions non-violent, and our community inclusive.

Jesus’ Resurrection – the anastasis, the rebirth – reminds us that God’s Holy Spirit is always alive in us and is a reality that informs our daily choices, allowing us to achieve the unconditional love that is the basis of Jesus message.  Each day, we are privileged to surrender our hearts to God’s call for us to love our neighbor as ourselves. 

The Resurrection affirms our love for ourselves and restores our innocence. The Resurrection secures our love of every other one of God’s children and adults, as well extends to all animals and the Earth. The Resurrection defends the recognition that all are created in God’s Image and Likeness.

I pray that we may, all of us together, be enriched by the healing love of Almighty God, Light of the Universe, who raises us up in salvation, by Jesus Christ, over death into eternal life.  May God protect and guide you and all those that you love. May God bless you and may your heart be at peace in God’s grace. Live in the Light of the Risen Christ!

+ Daniel

First Hierarch / Bishop of the Inclusive Orthodox Church


113th Annual Honolulu Easter Sunrise Service given by Bishop Stephen

National Cemetery of the Pacific - Puowaina

Bishop Stephen Randolph Sykes, IOC Orthodox Bishop of Hawai'i gave the invocation at the 113th Annual Honolulu Easter Sunrise Service held April 20, 2014, at Puowaina - The National Memorial Cemetery of the Pacific at Punchbowl in Honolulu, Hawaii. Several hundred attended services despite a morning downpour followed by intermittent sunshine. Bishop Sykes, who also serves as President of the Interfaith Alliance - Hawaii, lead recitation of Psalm 118. The Royal Hawaiian Band provided music throughout the service and Kahu Kekapa Lee gave the opening Hawaiian Oli.

The Queen's Prayer "Ke Aloha A Ke Akua" composed and written lyrics by Hawaii's last monarch, Queen Liliu'okalani, was sung by the assembled inter-faith clergy and congregation. The Easter message and main address "Our Loving Redeemer is Risen and We are Glad!" was preached by Rev. Father Anastasi St. Antony, Hegumen, Saint Mark's Coptic Orthodox Church of Honolulu followed. Rev. Samuel Domingo, Pastor of Kilohana United Methodist Church was Coordinator of the Easter Sunrise Service.

                                Orthodox Bishop of Hawai'i Stephen