Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Bishop's Photos & Events: 2011 - 2012

July 2012

Bishop Randolph Sykes meets Nobel Laureate Archbishop Tutu

Most Rev. Desmond Tutu, the Archbishop Emeritus of the Anglican Church of Southern Africa and a 1984 Nobel Peace Prize Laureate, participated in an interfaith service in Honolulu at the invitation of the Dean of the Episcopal Cathedral of Saint Andrew, the Very Reverend Walter B.A. Brownridge.

The leaders of many faiths and denominations that practice in Hawaii joined with Archbishop Tutu, who is standing in row 1 above on the far left with Honpa Hongwanji Bishop Eric Matsumoto, attended an Interfaith Prayer Service, held on Sunday, August 5, 2012 at the Episcopal Cathedral of Saint Andrew. Bishop Sykes is standing in row 2 far right along side of Hawaii's Episcopal Bishop Robert Fitzpatrick and the Cathedral's Dean Walter Brownridge. The service included special guest choirs, Kawaiolaonapukanileo, Kawaiaha'o Church Choir and Hawaii Youth Opera Chorus and the choirs sang the Kamehameha IV Evening Service by Hawaii composer, John McCreary.

November 2011

IOC Bishops attend Ecumenical Service to protest APEC 2011 Conference

FACE [Faith Action for Community Equity] sponsored an “Equity Summit and Interfaith Service” during the first week of November, 2011 that was held to keep the Christian churches in Hawaii mindful of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) conference that was held later that month in Honolulu and hosted by President Barack Obama.  Bishops Daniel Dahl and Randolph Sykes both attended the interfaith service that was on Monday, November 7, 2011 at St. Augustine by-the-Sea Catholic Church in Honolulu. This interfaith service focused on lifting up a Pacific-centered theological vision in contrast with the profit-centered Wall Street vision which was the focus of APEC held in Honolulu.