Reported by the Australian Broadcasting Corporation
January, 2010 Margaret Coffey at the Parliament of the World's Religions, Melbourne 2009. The Parliament of the World's Religions (PWR) has opened in Melbourne: follow Margaret Coffey’s commentary, or join the conversation in the Talking of Faith blog.
“Patriarchy at the Parliament”
"Those same old questions didn't help either. You know those questions that deliver a mutual pat on the back? And most of them came out of that 'Catholic pack' described in the previous post. However, one of the funniest moments came with the first question, from the Parliament's one ostentatiously Orthodox participant. (The Greek Orthodox Church in effect boycotted the Parliament.) This was Bishop Stephen Randolph Sykes, bishop in the breakaway Inclusive Orthodox Church based in Hawaii, who appeared daily and unmistakably in tall black kamilafki and black cassock.
"Sister Joan," Bishop Stephen asked, "how can we males do a better job?" "My dear Father....," came Sr Joan's rich tones. It could have been Hollywood circa 1945." [from Margaret Coffey's ABC.net Blog "Talking of Faith,January 14, 2010:"]