January 4, 2010: Interfaith Conversations Windward, A chapter of All Believers Network. Monday, January 4, 2010, 1:00-2:00PM, Pohai Nani Blue Room – 14th Floor, 45-090 Namoku Street, Kane‘ohe, Oahu, Hawai’i
"Parliament of the World's Religions: Three Perspectives" by Sister Joan Chatfield, M.M., Executive Director, Institute of Religion and Social Change, Ms Cecilia Fordham, Ecumenical Officer for the Episcopal Diocese of Hawaii and Most Rev. Stephen Randolph Sykes, E.O.M.C., Orthodox Bishop of Hawaii of the Inclusive Orthodox Church.
The first Parliament of the World's Religions was held in 1893. Since 1993, it has met every five years and brings together faith leaders, spiritual practitioners, and seekers of the entire human family. Sister Joan, Cecilia, and Bishop Sykes have just returned from the Parliament held this December in Melbourne. This presentation focused on their impressions and perspectives of their experiences at the Parliament's many discussion forums, liturgical celebrations, and plenary sessions.
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
“Parliament of the World's Religions: Three Perspectives”
Rev Norma Kehrberg - United Methodist Hawaii
IOC Bishop Stephen Randolph Sykes
Ms Cecilia Fordham, Hawaii Episcopal Diocese
Hawaii Catholic Sister Joan Chatfield, MM